 Yoga is a practice of body and mind combined together to form concentration to get a healthy life. It is a Hindu spiritual and Ascetic discipline which includes simple meditation, breath control and the adoption of particular bodily postures. It is practiced widely to get health and relaxation.
Natural medicine:
Natural medicine is a combination of alternative medicine which involves homeopathy, acupuncture, herbals, lifestyle and diet counseling. People who practice natural medicine are called neuropathic doctors. Using  Natural medicine to help the body to heal itself.
                          The combination of yoga and natural medicine can help humans to get a healthy life and can avoid abnormalities of health-related problems. Ii also aims to heal the root causes of unhealthy issues and symptoms.
Types of yoga:
Some of the main yoga types are mentioned below.
1.     Bikram Yoga:
Bikram Yoga is also called “hot” yoga; it is basically used in artificially heated rooms at temperatures of nearly 100 to 105 degrees and 40 percent humidity. It contains a list of 26 poses and a sequence of two breathing exercises.
2.     Ashtanga Yoga:
This type of yoga uses former yoga teachings. Ashtanga yoga contains a total of six established sequences postures that definitely connect every moment to breathe. It mostly developed in the years 1970 to 1980.
3.     Iyengar Yoga:
This type of yoga mainly focuses on seeking the right alignment in each pose using arrange of props, blankets, chairs, such as blocks and bolsters.
4.     Hatha Yoga:
It explains the generic term of any type of yoga that explains about the physical postures of yoga. It basically teaches about the classes that usually serve as an introduction to the basic learning of yoga.
5.     Jivamukti Yoga:
It means “liberation while living”. This type of yoga appeared in 1984 and consolidated spiritual teachings and practices that focus on poses themselves. It is a combination of physical, ethical and spiritual yoga.
6.     Kundalini Yoga:
It mostly focuses on the system of meditation that releases pent-up energy. Kundalini means “coiled like a snake”.

Branches of Yoga:

1.     Raja yoga:
This branch mainly focuses on strict meditation and adherence to a sequence of a disciplinary process known as the eight limbs of yoga.
2.     Hatha yoga:
This branch belongs to physical and mental meditations. It is designed to prime body and mind.
3.     Bhakti yoga:
This branch aims to establish the devotion, the positive way to build emotions, cultivate taking and tolerance.
4.     Karma yoga:
This is a way of service that focuses to create a future free from negativity and selfishness.
5.     Tantra yoga:
This is a way of ritual and ceremony and consummations of a relationship.
6.     Jnana yoga:
This branch Jnana yoga is all about wisdom developing the intellect through the study and the path of the scholar.
Advantages/Benefits of yoga:
1.     Can improve flexibility:
Flexibility is the first obvious advantage of yoga. At starting stage you probably would not be able to reach tour toes and do not think about the back bend. But if you stick with it you will notice that you are getting flexible and healthy, impossible poses you never did will be possible to do. Pains and related aches will probably disappear. By star doing Yoga, you will notice that our body becomes flexible.
2.      It makes your posture perfect:
By doing different poses in yoga muscles in your body get flexible, it makes your body relieve and posture of your body get fit and perfect.
The muscles in our related to neck, spine struggle due to our daily doings, it makes your posture poor and it again affects your body posture. So do some regular body postures.
3.     Builds muscle strength:
Strong muscles do more than looking good. They protect us from conditions like Arthritis and pains like back pain and muscle pain. It helps people in falls in elderly people. When you will build strength in yoga you can balance your body with flexibility.
4.     Yoga makes your bones strong and healthy:
It is well and proved that weight-bearing exercises strengthen your bones and boost power. In yoga, many postures are required to bear your own weight. This makes your bones strong and healthy.
5.     It drops your blood pleasure and ups your heart rate:
By exercising and doing yoga benefits you that your blood pleasure would be controlled and relieved. By doing Savasana a major benefit that it reduces 26 points drop in systolic blood pleasure.
                                    And another thing is by doing different poses in yoga your heart get filled with a lot of oxygen and it strengthens your heart to not get the heart attack or heart-related problems.

     By doing yoga and taking natural medicine help us to regain or build strength internally to get healthy life and fit posture of our body. 


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